GW Appraisal Services
A Real Estate Appraisal Company
Servicing all Southern California Counties
Since 1986
714) 875-2401

Residential, Mobile & Manufactured Home Appraisers for your Appraisal needs
Free Consultations!
WELCOME! Since 1986, GW Appraisal Services has been and is a leading Real Estate valuation and consulting firm centrally located in Orange County, California. We service the 5 main areas of Southern California including Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego Counties. We pride ourselves on our high quality, diligently prepared and thoroughly readable appraisal reports and consulting assignments, and in the timely delivery of our work.
We Specialize in the Following
Date of Death / Time of Death Appraisals
Mobile Home / Manufactured Home Appraisals
Professional / Expert Witness services
Divorce Appraisals
Bankruptcy Appraisals
Trust Appraisals
Estate Appraisals
Financial Planning Appraisals
Tax Grievance Appraisals
PMI Removal Appraisals
Pre-Listing / Pre-Purchase Appraisals
Bail Bonds Appraisals
See Our Reviews
These are our values. This is who we are.
Our investment in training, continued education, and technology has significantly reduced our customers’ necessary tasks and given them the peace of mind they need when making important real estate investment decisions, whether it be for a Purchase, Refinance, Sale, Trust, Date of Death Valuation, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Lawsuit or any other Valuation need. The more you know, the better decision you can make.
Call Us Today!
Let us be your one stop shop for all types of properties and all types of requests. We can work the way you want to work and you’ll get a live person when you call.
If so, please feel free to contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.

Geoff Wilhelm
President, GW Appraisal Services
Take Action, Make It Happen.
Kula, He was loved and is missed dearly.